St Simon Stock Catholic School

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Careers Fair 2023

Wednesday 18 October saw the return of the St Simon Stock annual Careers Fair. This year we had representatives from over 10 different industries who came to educate students about their field of expertise and offer professional advice on pathways post-secondary school.

The vendors included the NHS, the Army, Veterinary, South East Water, construction industries, volunteer experiences, Barclays and a number of Colleges and Universities.

The Careers Department work with teaching staff to prepare students covering topics such as Personal Statements, Apprenticeships and How to Choose a University Course. Sixth Form students are also coached on researching companies via LinkedIn and Google, and we emphasise the importance of using the fairs to make professional contacts and secure potential work experience.

The event was hugely rewarding and allowed students to benefit from the experience of parents, alumni, teachers and external speakers. We already have a date in the diary for the next Careers Fair!

Careers Fair '23


