St Simon Stock Catholic School

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School Prayers

Prayer is a central part of our daily routine. Students are given the opportunity to pray multiple times throughout our school day. Each lesson starts or end with the sign of the cross reminding us all that Christ is at the centre of all we do and as a way of offering each lesson to God then followed by our school Responsorial Prayer:

Leader: Let all the do we and learn …

Response: Be done in love.

Each day starts with form time prayer which varies depending on the day, types of form time prayer include: the prayer of St Simon Stock, their ‘house saints’ prayer, an open time of intersession, and a weekly Examine.

Prayer of St Simon Stock

Heavenly Father, you called Saint Simon Stock to serve you

in the family of

Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Through his prayers,

Help us, like him, to live in your presence,

And to work for the salvation of the human family.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


St Simon Stock, Pray for Us

Our Responsorial Prayer

Let all that we do and learn 


Be done in love
