Enrich and Extend Learning
To complement our students’ academic study, we provide a wealth of support, guidance and engagement opportunities that enrich our students’ educational experience and support their learning. It is not always possible to find a quiet area at home to complete work and therefore extended learning is not simply viewed as an out of school activity. Any activity that broadens our students’ experience, knowledge and understanding will extend their learning be it home learning or learning beyond the classroom in the school or local setting. Our school provides a wide range of extended learning opportunities including our ‘Super-Curriculum’ resources, signposting to Independent learning opportunities and well planned home-learning to enable students to extend and complement their experience in the classroom.
To extend our students' experience we provide a programme of trips, visits, events, and charity work. Each department operates student engagement programmes including an excellent programme of elective after school enrichment activities, providing a bespoke programme of sporting, performance, craft, social and academic opportunities. Students are also encouraged to engage in programmes such as Student Voice, Sustainability or become Anti-bullying and Mental Wellbeing Ambassadors etc. There is a wealth of sporting, performance and academic competition engaging students at academy, local, trust and national levels. Students’ efforts and participation both in and outside of school are validated and acknowledged through the strong praise culture fostered by our school. We are currently developing our comprehensive Rewards programme to encourage and acknowledge our students' participation in both our elective curriculum linked to the ‘pillars’ and activities beyond the classroom.