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St Simon Stock Catholic School

Work with Love

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Work with Love

Enrichment Day – Hindu Art

In RE students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Hindu art by creating Rangoli patterns to celebrate the festival of lights known as Diwali.

Students were keen to explore how other religions celebrate the victory of light over dark and good over evil.  Each student worked hard and was rewarded with their finished pieces of artwork.  There was a sense of pride in their work and some thoughtful  responses shared during the mediation on their journey through Year 9 and their goals and aspirations for Year 10.

Our Values



Prayer & Faith




We must ‘Go and do likewise’, to serve the needs of others.

We are ‘One Body in Christ’, inclusive and welcoming to all.

We are called to ‘be constant in prayer’ to discern God’s love. Students are invited to faith, participating in regular acts of workshop as forms, classes, year groups, and a school.

Students are expected to be hopeful, showing respect to themselves, their peers, teachers and the environment.

Students are expected to be charitable through acts of service in school and the wider community.

Students are expected to maintain a scholarly attitude in all lessons and work to the best of their ability and engage where they can in extra-curricular activities.


Trust Information

St Simon Stock Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Simon Stock Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
