Oxford Trip 2019
On Friday 11th October 2019, I was fortunate enough to receive an opportunity to visit St Hugh’s college in the University of Oxford. I and thirteen other students travelled in a minibus for over two hours to our destination. Although, two hours seemed long to some people, I found that it past quickly due to the interesting and lively talks around me.
The visit started with a tour of the college, informing us of the unique history of the building. Our tour guide led us to a room where she presented a PowerPoint to educate the usefulness and atmosphere the oxford program has to offer. Prices, courses and other colleges were all explained in her talk.
Afterwards, two undergraduate students from the college volunteered to guide half of our group around. We split into groups to either study a science based course or a literacy course. The guide showed us the facilities (library, common rooms and accommodation) to help us understand what it would be like to live there for the next three years. Shortly after we had lunch in their dining room, one thing that stuck to my mind is the elevated floor with a dining table for teachers/professors. This was due to the tradition of hierarchy in the past.
After lunch, we walked for 20 minutes to the natural history museum. We were fortunate enough to have a VIP experience and look at some exclusive items. I was also given the opportunity to hold a hissing cockroach! It was definitely an experience I will never forget. The museum consisted of fossils, taxidermy and live insects. After our tour, we walked around Oxford city and headed towards the cathedral. The architecture of the buildings overwhelmed us with its tradition and history.
We started our walk back to the college to start our journey home. Overall, it was an amazing experience and it opened up my perspective of top universities. It eliminated the stereotypes of posh/rich students and reinforced the idea that it was full of diversity and liveliness. I am certain I can speak for everyone when I say we all had an amazing day.
Jerald Barrion