Sabre Fencing
Do you fancy joining our Sabre Fencing Club?
If your heart beats faster when swords clash and duels are fought to the death, or when lightsabres hum and whirr and crackle as they connect – then you should try fencing.
St Simon Stock now offers Sabre Fencing to Years 7 and 8, and we hope to extend the provision to KS4 in September. In the sessions you will learn the basics of how to hit and avoid your opponent’s blade, as well as how to move effectively and score points.
After a footwork warm-up, there is some technical blade-work before each session ends with free-fencing, where you get a chance to wield the steel yourself.
All kit is provided by our fully qualified Sabre Fencing coach, Dr Kossuth. Don’t miss out on the fun and the opportunity to learn how to handle a sword.